(In chronological order of joining the group)
Claudia Bank
- Principal investigator, Head of Division
- Contact: [at]
- GoogleScholar, PubMed, ORCID, CV
Susanne Holenstein
- Office manager
- Contact: susanne.holenstein [at]
Adamandia Kapopoulou
- Senior bioinformatician
- Contact: adamantia.kapopoulou [at]
- GoogleScholar, PubMed, ORCID
Loraine Hablützel
- PhD student
- Contact: loraine.habluetzel [at]
Russell Jasper
- PhD student
- Contact: russell.jasper [at]
Julio Ayala
- PhD student
- Contact: julio.ayalalopez [at]
Suman Das
- Postdoctoral researcher
- Contact: suman.das [at]
- GoogleScholar, ORCID
Ianis Vilela
- PhD student
- Contact: ianis.vilela [at]
Jacob Hugh Riina
- MSc student
Florin Suter
- BSc student
Associated team members
Zachary Bailey
- Associated Postdoctoral researcher (From the Terrestial ecology group in University of Bern)
- Contact: zachary.bailey [at]
- GoogleScholar
(In reverse chronological order of leaving the group)
University of Bern Alumni
Catalina Chaparro Pedraza - Postdoc (2024)
Loïc Marrec - Postdoc (2020-2024)
Sabrina Rasch - MSc project student (2021-2022)
James Ackermann - Student assistant (2024)
Yannick Jauslin - BSc student (2024)
Carole Schöpfer - BSc student (2024)
Sabrina Rasch - BSc student, MSc project student (2021-2022, 2024)
Marco Louro - PhD student (2017-2024)
Swastik Patnaik - Associated MSc student (2023-2024)
Xiaoyue Deng - MSc project student (2023)
Ana-Hermina Ghenu - PhD student (2016-2023)
Jessica Rieder - Associated PhD student (2020-2023)
Juan Li - Postdoc (2020-2023)
David McLeod - Postdoc (2021-2023)
Ana Y. Morales-Arce - Postdoc (2020-2023)
Henrik Jasper - BSc student (2023)
Giulia Capella - BSc student (2022-2023)
André Amado - Postdoc (2019-2023)
Jérôme Stäheli - MSc student (2021-2023)
Gulbenkian Science Institute Alumni
Massimo Amicone - Associated PhD student
Davide Cusseddu - Postdoc (2019-2021)
Mark Schmitz - Data/Lab Manager (2020)
Lucy Lansch-Justen - Trainee/Programmer (2020)
Inês Borges - BSc student (2020)
Lila Fishman - Sabbatical Visitor (2019-2020)
Alex Wong - Sabbatical Visitor (2019)
Dragan Stajic - Associated postdoctoral researcher (2019)
Christian Diwo - Trainee (2019)
Alexandre Blanckaert - Postdoc (2016-2019)
Inês Fragata - Postdoc (2016-2019)
Dinis Seward - Summer project student (2019)
Vedanth Sriram - Summer project student (2019)
Manuel Fortunato - MSc project student (2018)
Sofia Torres - Summer project student (2018)
Emma Berdan - Visiting postdoc (2018)
Andreia Teixeira - Trainee (2016)
Mariana Vidal Pinheiro - Summer project student (2016)
Telmo Cunha - Summer project student (2016)